Debunking the Atharva Veda Connection
That isn't the only thing that Joker Naik twisted (I refuse to call him Dr., he just doesn't deserve it) - hymn, is merely a praise of King Kaurama (probably of Rjasthani origin, is every desert Arabia?). Funny how this
guy twisted it to mean - the first 13 verses refer to Mohammed! 'Kaurama' means 'born of a noble family', it is closely related
with the term Kaurava. 'Kuntapa' merely means the internal organs in the belly and has no alternate meaning as 'safe journey'
or as such. Sanskrit words aren't as multi-layered as Arab words. All the verses in the AV from 126-133 are considered Kuntapa
but only one mentions a desert. Makkah is called the Ummul Qur’a the mother of the
towns or the naval of the earth.
Not in the Veda. He will be protected
from 60,090 enemies, which was the population of Makkah. The Prophet would ride a camel. This clearly indicates that it cannot
be an Indian Rishi, since it is forbidden for a Brahman to ride a camel according to the Sacred Books of the East, volume
25, Laws of Manu pg. 472. According to Manu Smirti chapter 11 verse 202, "A Brahman is prohibited from riding a camel or an
ass and to bathe naked. He should purify himself by suppressing his breath".
Any statistics that it was
the abadi (population) of Makkah and what matters anyway if it is? The Manu Smriti never applied at Vedic times (and perhaps
was never applied) so a Brahman was free to ride what he wanted. Also, not all Rishis are Brahmanas. Viswamitra was a Kshatriya. This mantra gave the Rishi's name as Mamah. No rishi in India or another Prophet had this name Mamah which
is derived from Mah which means to esteem highly, or to revere, to exalt, etc.
Mamah is a regular Sanskrit
word meaning 'What belongs to oneself' and Joker probably mistook it for a name. He is given
100 gold coins
Actually he is given - A hundred chains of gold, ten wreaths, And thrice-a-hundred
mettled steeds,
The Sanskrit word Go is derived from Gaw which means ‘to go to war’
actually means 'hand of God' and is totally unrelated to Go.
This mantra calls the Prophet
as Rebh which means one who praises, which when translated into Arabic is Ahmed, which is another name for the Holy Prophet
Rebha means a 'talkative, celbratory' person which the prophet certainly was but hey - so are many
other people!
Debunking the Atharva Veda Connection...
There exists no such verse in book 20, Hymn 21 so the meaning stands null and void.
But anyway, some
errors are -
Karo in actuality means 'the one who', no action is specified and the
word is often found clubbed such as karotumme.
The 10,000 opponents mentioned in the Mantra
were the enemies of the Prophet and the Muslims were only 3000 in number.
What? We were just talking of
10,000 'cow-like' followers.
Actually, the entire mantra refers to how Indra single-handedly destroyed the opponents.
enemies’ defeat in the conquest of Makkah is supposedly mentioned in Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 21 verse no 9:
There were 20 chiefs in total and the population of Makkah was about 60,000
And so? Anyway,
the total amount if you take into account that each tribe had 1 leader is 14-16.
An Abandhu
meaning a helpless man who was far-famed and ‘praised one’. Muhammad (pbuh) overcame his enemies with the help
of God.
Abandhu actually means one with no connections or relations.
Debunking the Rig Veda Connection
A similar prophecy is also found in Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53 verse 9:
The Sanskrit word used is Sushrama, which means praiseworthy or well praised which in Arabic means Muhammad
(pbuh). Nowhere. The line in the RV (60,099 men etc.) is copied into the AV.
Debunking the Sama Veda Connection
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also prophesised in the Samveda Book II Hymn 6 verse 8:
acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal law. I received light from him just as from the sun." The Prophecy confirms:
name of the Prophet as Ahmed since Ahmed is an Arabic name. Many translators misunderstood it to be Ahm at hi and translated
the mantra as "I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father".
Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.
Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad. The Qur’an says in Surah Saba chapter 34 verse 28
have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but most
men understand not." [Al-Qur'an 34:28]
As I was unable to obtain a Devanagiri-font book from the net I'll
have to stay content with examining the context in which it is said.
The verse -
1. Indra whose jaws are strong
hath drunk of worshipping Sudaksha's draught, The Soma juice with barley brew. 2. O Lord of ample wealth, these songs
of praise have called aloud to thee, Like milch-kine lowing to their calves! 3. Then straight they recognized the mystic
name of the creative Steer, There in the mansion of the Moon. 4. When Indra, strongest hero, brought the streams, the
mighty waters down, Pushan was standing by his side. 5. The Cow, the streaming mother of the liberal Maruts, pours her
milk, Harnessed to draw their chariots on. 6. Come, Lord of rapturous joys, to our libation with thy bay steeds, come With
bay steeds to the flowing juice 7. Presented strengthening gifts have sent Indra away at sacrifice, With night, unto
the cleansing bath. 8. I from my Father have received deep knowledge of eternal Law: I was born like unto the Sun. 9.
With Indra splendid feasts be ours, rich in all strengthening things, wherewith, Wealthy in food, we may rejoice 10.
Soma and Pushan, kind to him who travels to the Gods, provide Dwellings all happy and secure.
See Above Verse
Explanation -
Only a dumb nitpicker such as Joker could possibly derive any
'prophecy' mileage out of this.
Understand the verse. In this, Indra is strengthened with Soma sacrifice and the Priests
cry out for Indra's arrival. The Priests recognize the name of the creative Seer - the personification Soma, there in the
mansion of the moon - which in Vedic symbolism, resembles a drop of Soma. Next, Indra's legendary battle with Virirta the
dragon who holds back the waters of the Earth is reflected and it is seen how Indra brings the streams towards Earth with
Pushan by his side. The description of a cow pouring forth her milk is also given and is thought akin to Indras action. Then,
the priests once again call to Indra as the lord of joy to give his strengthening gifts to the Soma and Indra doing so, fades
away. The Priests partake in the Soma and receive knowledge of the eternal law - the law that governs nature (no Law in the
'Jurisdiction' sense) and share a feeling of warmth as if they were born unto the Sun. Once again, the Soma is praised for
its strengthening qualities. Soma the personification and Pushan thus travel to the Gods.
Soma is a non-intoxicant
juice from a certain vine that is burnt in Vedic rituals and the leftover remenants eaten - not done anymore because nobody
knows what the Soma plant is (presumed extinct). The Soma plant is renown for its strengthening properties and is drunk before
war. Indra is a deity especially fond of Soma.
Conclusion for Sama Veda Verse -
There is no place for any Ahmed in this verse either storywise or
literarywise. Adding 'Ahmed' here is saying the grammatically incorrect (the Veda is gramatically perfect) - 'Ahmed have recieved'.
And besides, it is akin to saying Mohammed himself did the ritual to Indras glory, partook in the leftovers and knew the Sharia
- which is once again akin to idolatory. The phrase 'I from my father' seems second most likely (t refers to the Priests recieving
knowledge from 'Soma' about the Eternal Law) but the most likely seems to be Aham + Atha. It would translate the sentence
to - I now have received the eternal law. Other likely possibilties include Aham + Athaha, Aham + Ita and Aham + Hita.
Note: ZAKIR NAIK (red) ARYA (blue)
(Atharva Veda-Kanda:20-127:70:1-3)
Oh people! Listen carefully!! Honorable(Muhammad
meaning Honorable in Arabic) man will arrive among people. I will accept him among 60090 enemies. His means of movement
will be 20 Camels both male and female. His glory and superiority(Status) will reach there to heaven and will overcome it.He
will be given 10 circles(Governors/assistants) 100gold coins(100Migrated people from Makkah to Ethiopia) and 300(300 People
fought in Badar) Arabian horses. And 10000(10000 People who witnessed Makkah Success)Cows, for Mama Muni(Mama sage).
now read the right translation!!
atharva veda HYMN CXXVII A hymn in praise of the good Government
of King Kaurama
1Listen to this, ye men, a laud of glorious bounty shall be sung. Thousands sixty, and ninety we,
O Kaurama, among the Rusamas have received.
2Camels twice-ten that draw the car, with females by their side, he
gave. Fain would the chariot's top bow down escaping from the stroke of heaven.
3A hundred chains of gold, ten wreaths,
upon thee Rishi he bestowed, And thrice-a-hundred mettled steeds, ten-times-a-thousand cows he gave.
lets compare it with lier naik's translation!!
Oh people! Listen carefully!!
Honorable(Muhammad meaning Honorable in Arabic) man will arrive among people.
to this, ye men, a laud of glorious bounty shall be sung.
wel, the hyms mere says, a glorious bounty shall be sung,
it doesnt mentions any arrival of honarable, this mere lies of DA ZAKIR NAIK!!
I will accept him among 60090 enemies. His means of movement will
be 20 Camels both male and female.
Thousands sixty, and ninety we,
O Kaurama, among the Rusamas have received. 2Camels twice-ten that draw the car, with females by their side, he gave
the verse doesnt talk bout any enemies, it says RUSAMAS have recieved 66090
and bout a chariot drawn by 20 camels,
with females by their side,
seems ZAKIR NAIK embaresed to say, females by side of muhammad, so he translates the females
into CAMEL!! ;)
dr lier naik!
His glory and superiority(Status) will reach there to heaven
and will overcome it.
true translation!
Fain would the chariot's top bow down escaping from
the stroke of heaven.
wel, its the chariot , which suppose to escape the stroke of heaven, rather than any-body's
weird imagination of DR LIER NAIK!
He will be given
10 circles(Governors/assistants) 100gold coins(100Migrated people from Makkah to Ethiopia) and 300(300 People fought in Badar)
Arabian horses. And 10000(10000 People who witnessed Makkah Success)Cows, for Mama Muni(Mama sage).
A hundred chains of gold, ten wreaths, upon thee Rishi he bestowed, And thrice-a-hundred mettled
steeds, ten-times-a-thousand cows he gave.
wel, i need not xplain it!
readerz can compehend, how desperatly
ZAKIR NAIK tried to prove by insertin islamic history, ARABIAN HORSE, BADR-BATTLE as wel!!
now ZAKIR NAIK, presents the ultimate proof, that tis indeed bout muhammad :
doubt it is related to prophet Muhamad(SAV)Because Vedic Time it is prohibited that sages using any horses or camels. Anir
dushaya go:kshira , Moushtra maikashapam tadha(Manu Smrithi5:8) Says Maharshis (Indian Sages) using four legged animal
as vehicle is prohibited
zakir naik says, manu smriti prohibits maharishiz to use 4 legged animals
as a vehicle!
while no hindu gives a damn thing to manu smirti, anyways lets c , what the verse 5.8 says :
8. The milk of a cow (or other female animal) within ten days after her calving, that of camels, of one-hoofed
animals, of sheep, of a cow in heat, or of one that has no calf with her,
9. (The milk) of all wild animals excepting
buffalo-cows, that of women, and all (substances turned) sour must be avoided.
wel, ppl! it aint bout prohibition of
any vehicle, tis says: sour milk should be avoided